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讲座人:姚钟平 教授
时 间:2012年7月18日下午15:30
地 点:科技楼八楼会议室
Mass Spectrometry: New Techniques and New Roles
Zhongping Yao
Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology
------The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Mass spectrometry is a rapid and sensitive tool widely used for analysis of various samples. Development of new sampling and ionization techniques has greatly facilitated mass spectrometric analysis and allowed new insight into chemical and biological systems. We have recently developed MALDI-MS-based techniques to enable direct analysis of solid samples and sensitive detection of phosphopeptides. Moreover, we have developed wooden tips and other tips for ESI-MS analysis and further extended these techniques for direct ionization analysis and in vivo studies of plant and animal systems. Details of these techniques and their applications will be presented.
1. Yao, Z. P. Characterization of Proteins by Ambient Mass Spectrometry, Mass Spectrom. Rev. 2012, 31: 437-447.
2. Hu, B.; Lai, Y. H.; So, P. K.; Chen, H. W.; Yao, Z. P. Direct Ionization of Biological Samples for Mass Spectrometric Analysis, Analyst 2012, DOI: 10.1039/c2an16223g.
3. Zhang, S.; Yao, Z. P. Improved Detection of Phosphopeptides by Negative Ion Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry Using a Proton Sponge Co-matrix, Anal. Chim. Acta 2012, 711: 77-82.
4. Hu, B.; So, P. K.; Chen, H. W.; Yao, Z. P. Electrospray Ionization Using Wooden Tips, Anal. Chem. 2011, 83: 8201-8207.
So, P. K.; Yao, Z. P. Oil-Assisted Sample Preparation: A Simple Method for Analysis of Solid Samples using Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry, Anal. Chem. 2011, 83: 5175-5181.
B.Sc., Fudan University, 1988
M.Sc., Fudan University, 1991
Ph.D., The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2000
Postdoc., University of Maryland at College Park, 2000-2002 (with Prof. Catherine Fenselau)
Postdoc., University of Cambridge, 2002-2005 (with Prof. Carol Robinson FRS)
Food Safety and Technology, Cancer Research, Drug Discovery and TCM
New ionization and sampling techniques of mass spectrometry
Direct analysis of herbal medicine, food, biological tissue, clinical samples and environmental samples
In vivo detection of secondary metabolites of plants and animals
Molecular recognition and protein interactions
Biomarker discovery and mechanism studies of diseases